A professional body for Kenya’s nephrologists and renal scientists.
About Kenya Renal
The Kenya Renal Association is the professional body for Kenya’s nephrologists (renal physicians, or kidney doctors) and renal scientists in Kenya. From its foundation, the Kenya Renal Association has been active in promoting and disseminating research that may ultimately improve outcomes for patients with kidney disease.
How to become a member.
The Association shall have six categories of members:
An individual member shall be designated “Member of the Kenya Renal Association.” Full membership shall be offered to Kenyan nephrologists REGISTERED BY Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board. Full members shall enjoy full rights including the right to vie for and hold office as well as the right to vote provided they remain in good standing and are current in their annual subscriptions.
Members in Training : A member Training in Nephrology shall be designated “Member in Training of the Kenya Renal Association.” Members in Training in support of their application shall provide evidence that they are currently part of a designated nephrology training program, and such members should not be allowed to vote nor to hold office.